; ; generate html code for movies ; ; inserted after html intro line for the campagain. ; use the expinfo() routine ; addpath,'/share/megs/phil/x101/hf/hf1811/' ; .compile expinfo nl=string(10b) file='movietbl.out' openw,lunout,file,/get_lun nexp=expinfo(expI) a=stregex(expI.tit," *([^:]*):([^ ]*) *(.*)",/subex,/ext) ldateAr=reform(a[1,*]) lprojAr=reform(a[2,*]) lusrAr=reform(a[3,*]) lyymm='1811' linstall='05dec18' movPath='"http://www.naic.edu/%7Ephil/aeron/clp/movie/limAccess/' for i=0,nexp-1 do begin lnum=((i+1) lt 10)?string(format='(i1)',i+1):string(format='(i2)',i+1) movNm=strlowcase(string(format='("20",i06,"_",a,"_usrp")',expI[i].yymmdd1,lprojAr[i])) movNmHr=strlowcase(string(format='("20",i06,"_",a,"_hr_usrp")',expI[i].yymmdd1,lprojAr[i])) lmmdd1=string(format='(i04)',expI[i].yymmdd1 mod 10000l) lmmdd2=string(format='(i04)',expI[i].yymmdd2 mod 10000l) lhhmm1=string(format='(i02,":",i02)',(expI[i].hhmmss1/10000), (expI[i].hhmmss1/100l) mod 100l) lhhmm2=string(format='(i02,":",i02)',(expI[i].hhmmss2/10000), (expI[i].hhmmss2/100l) mod 100l) printf,lunout,'' l=' ' + lnum + '. usrp 
' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + movNm + '.avi
' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + movNm + '.mov
' printf,lunout,l l=' Hires usrp
' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + movNmHr + '.avi
' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + movNmHr + '.mov
' printf,lunout,l l=' sb
gr ' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + lprojAr[i] + ' ' printf,lunout,l l='

' ; num jpegs printf,lunout,l l='

' ; jpegs size printf,lunout,l l=' ' printf,lunout,l l='
    ' printf,lunout,l l='
  • ' + lprojAr[i] + '
  • ' printf,lunout,l l='
  • az=225 zagr=1.06
  • ' printf,lunout,l l='
  • data:' + lmmdd1 + ',' + lhhmm1 + ' to ' + lhhmm2 + '
  • ' printf,lunout,l l='
  • more info
  • ' printf,lunout,l l='
' printf,lunout,l l=' ' printf,lunout,l l=' ' + linstall + '' printf,lunout,l printf,lunout,'' endfor free_lun,lunout end