; ; punta salinas new freq ; generate and array with their freq ; frq[nchan,2] 2 is the actual xmit freq ; the otherRd is a list of the carsr radar ; the ok[] array has 1 if the xmitter ps freq ; center are at least bw away from the center of each carsr ; freq. currently set to 2 mhz. ;@rfiinit ; ofile='/home/phil/psfreqnew.html' nchn=100 chnl=fltarr(nchn) chnl[0:14]=findgen(15) + 1223 chnl[15:85]=findgen(85-15+1)*2 + 1239 chnl[86:99]=findgen(99-86+1) + 1380. frq=fltarr(nchn,2) frq[*,0]=chnl-7.5 frq[*,1]=chnl+7.5 ;for i=0,nchn-1 do print,i+1,frq[i,0],chnl[i],frq[i,1],$ ; format='(i3,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.1)' otherRd=[$ [1252.41,1257.59,1344.41,1349.59],$; faa [1269.41,1275.58,1327.41,1332.59]] ; otherRd=reform(otherRd,n_elements(otherRd)) ; carsr 1 Mhz bw, puntasalins about 1 Mhz ; so make cfr ps 1.5 Mhz from carsr center bw=2. ok=intarr(nchn) + 1 for i=0,nchn-1 do begin &$ iibad=where((abs(frq[i,0] - otherRd) lt bw ) or $ (abs(frq[i,1] - otherRd) lt bw ),cnt) &$ if cnt gt 0 then ok[i]=0 &$ endfor ii=where(ok eq 0,cntbad) excl=intarr(100) excl[0:11]=1 excl[87:99]=1 ;" 13 1227.5 1235.0 1242.5 1 openw,lunout,ofile,/get_lun otherRd=reform(otherRd,2,4) tdS="" tdE="" tdES=tdE + tdS trS="" trE="" printf,lunout,'FAA freq:' printf,lunout,otherRd[0,0],otherRd[1,0],format='(3x,f6.1,1x,f6.1)' printf,lunout,otherRd[0,1],otherRd[1,1],format='(3x,f6.1,1x,f6.1)' printf,lunout,'PuntaBorinquen freq:' printf,lunout,otherRd[0,2],otherRd[1,2],format='(3x,f6.1,1x,f6.1)' printf,lunout,otherRd[0,3],otherRd[1,3],format='(3x,f6.1,1x,f6.1)' printf,lunout," " lab=trS + tdS + "num" + tdES + "cfr" + tdes + "txLow" + $ tdes + "txHi" +tdes + "CarsrFrq=1" + tdE + trE printf,lunout,"" printf,lunout,lab for i=0,nchn-1 do begin ; if (excl[i] eq 0) then begin printf,lunout,trS,tdS,i+1,tdES,chnl[i],tdES,frq[i,0],tdES,frq[i,1],$ tdES,(ok[i] eq 1)?0:1,tdE,trE,$ format='(a,a,1x,i3,1x,a,1x,f6.1,1x,a,1x,f6.1,1x,a,1x,f6.1,1x,a,1x,i3,a,a)' ; endif endfor printf,lunout,"
" free_lun,lunout end