Correlator mapping, removing Tsys


     The correlator mapping steps are:     When doing line searches, the baseline removal  might remove Tsys from every spectra. This will get rid of most continuum sources. The simplest way to do this is to subtract the mean value of the bandpass corrected spectra. This can lead to non-zero baselines if you have a strong line source in the band. Forcing the mean to 0 (with the line source included) will cause the median value to sit a little below 0 (since the line source sticks up above 0). Some options are:
  1. Just use the mean value and forget about it.
  2. Remove the median value rather than the mean of the bandpass corrected spectra.
  3. Remove a robust average rather than the median. This should have better statistics that the median value.
    The robust average is computed by removing the mean, computing the rms, throwing out all points above 3 sigma, and then looping if you have thrown out any points.

    The plot shows a comparison of these 3 methods. The plot\ is a  1 second spectrum of a data with a methanol maser present. The data was bandpass corrected and then Tsys was removed over the entire spectra (excluding 8% of the edges). This was repeated using the 3 techniques.

Residual Mean channels 600-1800
removal method mean channels 600-1800
deg K
mean -1.0 tsys=2
median -.11 tsys=4
robustAverage -.043 tsys=5

For this one instance the robust average did a slightly better job than the median. It was offset by .043K while the median was offset by .11 K. The final column shows the Tsys keyword value in the cormapbc() routine that enables each option.

To use thi

processing: x101/obstech/calbpc/