Checking lbw stability, rfi sep10


     PolB instabilities were reported in lband wide (lbw) in jul10. In sep10 while warming the dewar, the window blew out. The receiver was brought down to the lab and the window was replaced. The receiver was reinstalled 25sep10 and cooled down.
    Tests were done to check the stability of the receiver (and also to look at the rfi):

27sep10: 300 second integration over entire band:

     A 300 second test was done with the receiver on 27sep10. The setup was:

Processing the data:

Data plots,images:

processing: x101/100927/

29sep10: 4200 second test around 1385 MHz.

    On 29sep10 a 4200 second test was done. The setup was:

    Processing the data:

    The plots show the total power and its spectrum (.ps) (.pdf):


processing: x101/100929/
