Lbw cal values measured 28jun12


Links to PLOTS:
     Fits to the Average CalDeflection/Tsys and Hcorcal in Kelvins  (.ps)  (.pdf): .
       OtherCals/Hcorcal and the fits (.ps)  (.pdf):
       Over plotting all of the cals (in deg K) (.ps) (.pdf).
       Over plotting the new and old cal values (.ps) (.pdf).
       Comparing Tsys measurements using 28jun12 and dec08  cals  (.ps) (.pdf):

Links to SECTIONS:
Why the cals were remeasured.
Measuring the high correlated cal using blank sky and absorber
Measuring the other cals on blank sky relative to the high correlated cal.

Why the cals were remeasured.

    The lbw cal values were measured on 28jun12. The last measurement was on 08dec08. Some reasons why the cals were remeasured were:
To check this discrepancy, the cals were remeasured on 28jun12 (absorber sky) and again in 01jul12 (sky).

Measuring the high correlated cal using sky and absorber: (top)

    The high correlated  cal value (diode 1 going to polA and polB) for lband wide was measured on 28jun12  using  the  mock sky/absorber technique.
 These observations used the mock  spectrometer with the hardware winking cal (the faa radar blanker was not used).sky starting at 16:00  There were heavy clouds and lightning in the distance (but no local rain). The FAA blanker was not used.. 

    The temperatures used in the computation were:
Tabsorber 303.7K (87.1F avg temp sensor)
Tsky 5 K
Treceiver from test shack feb03
Tscattered 15 K

    The recording and processing steps were:

   The on sky processing for 28jun12,01jul12 were processed separately and then averaged for the final result.

    The results of the reduction are:

processing: x101/lb/cals/jun12/hcorcal/,,

Measuring the other cals using sky and the high correlated cal (top)

    The high correlated cal was measured (see above) using sky and absorber as the hot and cold load. The other cals were then measured relative to the high correlated cal on 28jun12 and again on 01jul12 (the times were right after the hcorcal measurements). The setup was the same as the hcorcal (see above) accept  that each integration only lasted for 10 seconds (on sky). The following cal sequence was run:     The 1120 to 1750 MHz band was measured simultaneously. The 25 hz hardware winking cal was used. 10 scans of 10 seconds each covered all the combinations..
the recording and processing steps were:

  The results of the reduction are:


processing: x101/lb/cals/jun12/othercals/,,
