from slalib import * import numpy as np import string as st import time as tm from control20m import * ant = Control20m() ant.take_control() ant.sync_unix_time() def take_antenna_control ( ) : """ Put the 20-meter antenna under Python program control. """ ant.take_control() def release_antenna ( ) : """ Release the 20-meter antenna from Python program control. """ ant.release_control() def hadec_to_azel ( ha_hrs, dec_deg ) : """ hadec_to_azel ( ha_hrs, dec_deg ) Convert Hour Angle - Declination coordinates to Azimuth and Elevation without making any pointing or refraction corrections. HA is in decimal hours and Dec, Az, and El are in decimal degrees. The returned value is a dictionary {'az': , 'el': } """ ha_rad = np.pi * ha_hrs / 12.0 dec_rad = np.pi * dec_deg / 180.0 vec = sla_dcs2c(ha_rad, dec_rad) desig, name, of_long, of_lat, elev = sla_obs(0, 'GBVA140') #print of_lat * 180 / np.pi rmat = sla_deuler('yxx', np.pi / 2.0 - of_lat, 0.0, 0.0) new_vec = sla_dmxv(rmat, vec) az, el = sla_dcc2s(new_vec) return {'az':180.0 * (1.0 + az / np.pi), 'el':180.0 * el / np.pi} #print hadec_to_azel(0.0, 0.0) #print hadec_to_azel(-6.0, 0.0) def str2frac ( dt_str ) : """ str2frac(dt_str) Convert a colon separated hexagesimal string to decimal. 'xx:yy:zz.zz' -> xx.xxxx, xx can be signed """ parsed = st.split(dt_str, ':') sign = 1.0 if parsed[0][0] == '-' : sign = -1.0 return sign * (abs(st.atof(parsed[0])) + (st.atof(parsed[1]) + st.atof(parsed[2]) / 60.0) / 60.0) #print str2frac('11:22:33') #print str2frac('-11:22:33') def j2000_to_epoch ( ra_str, dec_str, mjd ) : """ j2000_to_epoch('', '-DD:MM:SS.s', mjd) Convert hexagesimal J2000 R.A.and Dec. string values to R.A.and Dec for the given Modified Julian Date using J2000 precession and nutation. The returned value is a dictionary, {'ra_hrs': , 'dec_deg': } """ rmat = sla_prenut(2000, mjd) ra = np.pi * str2frac(ra_str) / 12.0 dec = np.pi * str2frac(dec_str) / 180.0 vec = sla_dcs2c(ra, dec) new_vec = sla_dmxv(rmat, vec) pra, pdec = sla_dcc2s(new_vec) if pra < 0.0 : pra += 2.0 * np.pi return {'ra_hrs':12.0 * pra / np.pi, 'dec_deg':180.0 * pdec / np.pi} #print 'Precessed:', j2000_to_epoch('1:00:00', '1:00:00', 54630) def get_current_mjd ( ) : """ get_current_mjd() Reads the system clock and converts to fractional Modified Julian Date with fractional second precision to the accuracy of the system clock. """ frac_sec1 = 1.0; frac_sec2 = 0.0 while (frac_sec1 > frac_sec2) : ftime1 = tm.time() gmt = tm.gmtime() ftime2 = tm.time() frac_sec1 = ftime1 - int(ftime1) frac_sec2 = ftime2 - int(ftime2) #print gmt yr = gmt[0] mjd = 54465 + gmt[7] + (gmt[3] + (gmt[4] + gmt[5] / 60.0) / \ 60.0) / 24.0 + (frac_sec1 + frac_sec2) / 172800.0 for i in range(2009, 2052) : if i > yr : break if (i - 1) % 4 == 0 : mjd += 366 else : mjd += 365 return mjd #print get_current_mjd() _RH = 0.8; print 'RH:', _RH * 100, '%' _REFA, _REFB = sla_refco(881.0, 290.0, 1000.0, _RH, 1000.0, 0.67086, 0.0065, 1e-10) def get_refracted_el ( el ) : zu = np.pi * (90.0 - el) / 180.0 zr = sla_refz(zu, _REFA, _REFB) return 90.0 - 180.0 * zr / np.pi def get_corrected_azel ( az, el, with_refraction=True ) : if with_refraction : rel = get_refracted_el(el) else : rel = el encoder_az = az + ant.get_az_pointing_offset(az, rel) encoder_el = rel + ant.get_el_pointing_offset(az, rel) return (encoder_az, encoder_el) def get_object_posn ( object ) : if object == 'CasA' : object = '23:23:26.7,+58:49:03' elif object == 'CygA' : object = '19:59:28.3,+40:44:02' pos = st.split(object, ',') if len(pos) != 2 : print 'make_track(): Object position error', object return False return j2000_to_epoch(pos[0], pos[1], get_current_mjd()) #print get_object_posn('11:22:33,-5:33:77') def map_azel_to_azel ( map_az_deg, map_el_deg, src_az_deg, src_el_deg ) : """ map_azel_to_azel ( map_az_deg, map_el_deg, src_az_deg, src_el_deg ) : map_az, map_el -> Az, El positive map_az drives the telescope to smaller azimuth positive map_el drives the telescope to lower elevation all arguments in degrees """ map_az_rad = np.pi * map_az_deg / 180.0 map_el_rad = np.pi * map_el_deg / 180.0 src_az_rad = np.pi * src_az_deg / 180.0 src_el_rad = np.pi * src_el_deg / 180.0 vec = sla_dcs2c(map_az_rad, map_el_rad) #print vec elg = src_el_rad - map_el_rad azg = src_az_rad - map_az_rad / np.cos(elg) err_tol = 2.0 * np.pi / (180.0 * 3600.0) num_iter = 10 for i in range(num_iter) : rmat = sla_deuler('yzx', elg, -azg, 0.0) new_vec = sla_dmxv(rmat, vec) #print new_vec az, el = sla_dcc2s(new_vec) #print i, '%10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f' % \ # (azg * 180 / np.pi, elg * 180 / np.pi, # az * 180 / np.pi, el * 180 / np.pi) az_diff = src_az_rad - az if az_diff > np.pi : az_diff -= 2.0 * np.pi el_diff = src_el_rad - el #print az_diff, el_diff if abs(az_diff) < err_tol and abs(el_diff) < err_tol : break azg += az_diff elg += el_diff if i >= num_iter - 1 : print 'map_azel_to_azel(%4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f) did not converge' % (map_az_deg, map_el_deg, src_az_deg, src_el_deg) if azg < 0.0 : azg += 2.0 * np.pi if azg > 2.0 * np.pi : azg -= 2.0 * np.pi return {'tel_az':180.0 * azg / np.pi, 'tel_el':180.0 * elg / np.pi} #for az in np.arange(0.0, 361, 5.0) : # for el in np.arange(0.0, 79.0, 5.0) : # map_azel_to_azel(10.0, -10.0, az, el) #print map_azel_to_azel(5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0), '<- result' DUT1 = -0.43 # UT1 - UTC in seconds UT1 = UTC + DUT1 def get_last_str ( mjd, utc_string ) : utc_parsed = st.split(utc_string, ':') utc_frac = str2frac(utc_string) / 24.0 mjd_frac = mjd + utc_frac #desig, name, gbt_long, lat, elev = sla_obs(0, 'GBT') desig, name, of_long, lat, elev = sla_obs(0, 'GBVA140') lon_frac = of_long / (2.0 * np.pi) gast_rad = sla_gmst(mjd_frac + DUT1 / 86400.0) + sla_eqeqx(mjd_frac) diff140to20m = 2.26 #seconds return (gast_rad - of_long) / (2.0 * np.pi) + diff140to20m / 86400.0 #print (get_last_str(54630.0, '0:0:0') - 0.50511288448786651) * 86400.0 #print (get_last_str(54630.0, '12:12:12') - 0.014977253263429011) * 86400.0 def get_last ( mjd_frac ) : #desig, name, gbt_long, lat, elev = sla_obs(0, 'GBT') desig, name, of_long, lat, elev = sla_obs(0, 'GBVA140') lon_frac = of_long / (2.0 * np.pi) gast_rad = sla_gmst(mjd_frac + DUT1 / 86400.0) + sla_eqeqx(mjd_frac) diff140to20m = 2.26 #seconds return (gast_rad - of_long) / (2.0 * np.pi) + diff140to20m / 86400.0 #print (get_last(54630.5084722222222) - 0.014977253263429011) * 86400.0 #print get_last(get_current_mjd()) def make_track ( object, start_mjd, stop_mjd, cross_el_offset, el_offset ) : """ make_track ( object, start_mjd, stop_mjd, cross_el_offset, el_offset ) object = 'CasA', CygA', or 'hh:mm:ss.s,sdd:mm:ss' J2000 coordinates start_mjd, stop_mjd include UTC, e.g., 54630.3456 positive cross_el_offset drives the telescope to smaller azimuth positive el_offset drives the telescope to lower elevation both arguments in degrees """ posn = get_object_posn(object) if posn == False : return start_last = get_last(start_mjd) start_ha = 24.0 * start_last - posn['ra_hrs'] if start_ha < -12.0 : start_ha += 24.0 if start_ha > 12.0 : start_ha -= 24.0 stop_last = get_last(stop_mjd) stop_ha = 24.0 * stop_last - posn['ra_hrs'] if stop_ha < -12.0 : stop_ha += 24.0 if stop_ha > 12.0 : stop_ha -= 24.0 if stop_ha < start_ha : stop_ha += 24.0 duration = (stop_ha - start_ha) * 3600.0 min_steps = 1 while duration / min_steps > 20.0 : min_steps *= 2 if stop_last < start_last : stop_last += 1.0 num_iter = 3 max_num_pts = min_steps * (2**num_iter) pt_mjd = np.zeros(max_num_pts + 1, dtype=np.float64) pt_az = np.zeros(max_num_pts + 1, dtype=np.float64) pt_az_vel = np.zeros(max_num_pts, dtype=np.float64) pt_el = np.zeros(max_num_pts + 1, dtype=np.float64) pt_el_vel = np.zeros(max_num_pts, dtype=np.float64) posn_tol = 2.0 / 3600.0 # degrees for iter in range(num_iter) : num_pts = min_steps * (2**(iter + 1)) ha_step = (stop_ha - start_ha) / num_pts for pt in range(num_pts + 1) : azel = hadec_to_azel(start_ha + ha_step * pt, posn['dec_deg']) src_az = azel['az'] src_el = get_refracted_el(azel['el']) tel_azel = map_azel_to_azel(cross_el_offset, el_offset, src_az, src_el) pt_mjd[pt] = start_mjd + pt * ha_step * 0.997269 / 24.0 tel_az, tel_el = get_corrected_azel(tel_azel['tel_az'], tel_azel['tel_el'], False) pt_az[pt] = tel_az pt_el[pt] = tel_el tol_flag = True for pt in range(1, num_pts + 1, 2) : az_err = pt_az[pt] - (pt_az[pt - 1] + pt_az[pt + 1]) / 2.0 az_err *= np.cos(pt_el[pt] * np.pi / 180.0) el_err = pt_el[pt] - (pt_el[pt - 1] + pt_el[pt + 1]) / 2.0 err = np.sqrt(az_err**2 + el_err**2) if err > posn_tol : tol_flag = False if tol_flag : break if not tol_flag : print 'WARNING: make_track() did not converge!' num_pts_out = num_pts / 2 step_sec = 2.0 * ha_step * 0.997269 * 3600.0 # seconds for pt in range(num_pts_out) : pt_mjd[pt] = pt_mjd[pt * 2] pt_az[pt] = pt_az[pt * 2] pt_el[pt] = pt_el[pt * 2] pt_az_vel[pt] = (pt_az[pt * 2 + 2] - pt_az[pt * 2]) / step_sec pt_el_vel[pt] = (pt_el[pt * 2 + 2] - pt_el[pt * 2]) / step_sec return {'mjd':pt_mjd[:num_pts_out], 'az':pt_az[:num_pts_out], 'az_vel':pt_az_vel[:num_pts_out], 'el':pt_el[:num_pts_out], 'el_vel':pt_el_vel[:num_pts_out]} #print make_track('19:22:33,65:33:77', 54642.7803896, 54642.7803896 + 30.0/86400, 5.0, 5.0) def wait_for_slew ( cmd_az, cmd_el, tol_deg=0.02 ) : old_tel_stat = False old_mjd = 0.0 tm.sleep(1.0) while True : new_mjd = get_current_mjd() #print '1111' tel_stat = ant.get_time_tagged_status() #print tel_stat['az'], cmd_az, tel_stat['el'], cmd_el if (abs(tel_stat['az'] - cmd_az) < tol_deg and abs(tel_stat['el'] - cmd_el) < tol_deg) : break if old_tel_stat : delta_t = (new_mjd - old_mjd) * 86400.0 az_vel = (tel_stat['az'] - old_tel_stat['az']) / delta_t el_vel = (tel_stat['el'] - old_tel_stat['el']) / delta_t #print 'az_vel: %5.3f, el_vel: %5.3f deg/sec' % (az_vel, el_vel) old_mjd = new_mjd old_tel_stat = tel_stat tm.sleep(1.0) def execute_track ( trk, stop_mjd ) : #trk = {'mjd':[], 'az':[], 'az_vel':[], 'el':[], 'el_vel':[]} for i in range(len(trk['mjd'])) : while (trk['mjd'][i] - get_current_mjd()) * 86400.0 > 3.0 : tm.sleep(0.5) log_ant_posn() utc_sec = (trk['mjd'][i] - int(trk['mjd'][i])) * 86400.0 #time_str = mjd_to_time_str(trk['mjd'][i]) status = ant.set_azel(trk['az'][i], trk['el'][i], tim=utc_sec, azvel=trk['az_vel'][i], elvel=trk['el_vel'][i]) if not status : return status ctr = 0 while stop_mjd > get_current_mjd() : tm.sleep(0.5) ctr += 1 if ctr % 2 : log_ant_posn() return True def track ( object, duration, cross_el_offset=0.0, el_offset=0.0 ) : tel_stat = ant.get_time_tagged_status() cur_az = tel_stat['az'] cur_el = tel_stat['el'] mjd = get_current_mjd() # includes day fraction posn = get_object_posn(object) # {'ra_hrs':, 'dec_deg':} precessed & nut last = get_last(mjd) # in fraction of a day obj_ha = 24.0 * last - posn['ra_hrs'] if obj_ha < -12.0 : obj_ha += 24.0 if obj_ha > 12.0 : obj_ha -= 24.0 obj_azel = hadec_to_azel(obj_ha, posn['dec_deg']) # {'az':deg, 'el':deg} az_dist = abs(obj_azel['az'] - cur_az) if az_dist > 180 : az_dist = abs(360 - az_dist) el_dist = abs(obj_azel['el'] - cur_el) slew_time = max(az_dist / 2.0, el_dist / 2.0) # seconds print 'slew time:', slew_time, 'sec to', obj_azel encoder_az, encoder_el = get_corrected_azel(obj_azel['az'], obj_azel['el']) print encoder_az, encoder_el status = ant.set_azel(encoder_az, encoder_el) if not status : return status wait_for_slew(encoder_az, encoder_el) start_mjd = get_current_mjd() + 0.5 / 86400.0 stop_mjd = start_mjd + duration / 86400.0 trk = make_track(object, start_mjd, stop_mjd, cross_el_offset, el_offset) print trk status = execute_track(trk, stop_mjd) ant.stop() return status _st = tm.gmtime() _fn = 'log%4d_%02d_%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d' % (_st[0], _st[1], _st[2], _st[3], _st[4], _st[5]) _log_fd = file(_fn, 'wb') def log_ant_posn ( ) : mjd = get_current_mjd() tel_stat = ant.get_time_tagged_status() _log_fd.write('%02d:%02d:%02d %15.9f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % \ (tel_stat['UTC_hr'], tel_stat['UTC_min'], tel_stat['UTC_sec'], mjd, tel_stat['az'], tel_stat['el'])) def mjd_to_time_str ( mjd ) : utc_sec = (mjd - int(mjd)) * 86400.0 print 'mjd sec:', utc_sec hrs = int(utc_sec / 3600.0) utc_sec -= 3600.0 * hrs mint = int(utc_sec / 60.0) utc_sec -= 60.0 * mint return '%02d:%02d:%05.2f' % (hrs, mint, utc_sec) def test_one_cmd ( az, el, az_vel=0.0, el_vel=0.0 ) : ant.set_computer_timeout(20.0) mjd = get_current_mjd() + 3.0 / 86400.0 time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) #print time_str ant.set_azel(az, el, tim=time_str, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) while (mjd + 13.0 / 86400.0) > get_current_mjd() : log_ant_posn() tm.sleep(0.5) ant.stop() def test_two_cmds ( az, el, az_vel=0.0, el_vel=0.0 ) : ant.set_computer_timeout(30.0) mjd = get_current_mjd() + 3.0 / 86400.0 utc_sec = (mjd - int(mjd)) * 86400.0 #time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) ant.set_azel(az, el, tim=utc_sec, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) mjd += 10.0 / 86400.0 #while mjd > get_current_mjd() : # tm.sleep(1.0) #time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) utc_sec = (mjd - int(mjd)) * 86400.0 ant.set_azel(az + 1.0, el + 1.0, tim=utc_sec, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) while (mjd + 13.0 / 86400.0) > get_current_mjd() : log_ant_posn() tm.sleep(0.5) ant.stop() def test_three_cmds ( az, el, az_vel=0.0, el_vel=0.0 ) : ant.set_computer_timeout(30.0) mjd = get_current_mjd() + 3.0 / 86400.0 time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) ant.set_azel(az, el, tim=time_str, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) mjd += 10.0 / 86400.0 #while mjd > get_current_mjd() : # tm.sleep(1.0) time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) ant.set_azel(az + 1.0, el + 1.0, tim=time_str, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) mjd += 10.0 / 86400.0 #while mjd > get_current_mjd() : # tm.sleep(1.0) time_str = mjd_to_time_str(mjd) ant.set_azel(az + 2.0, el + 2.0, tim=time_str, azvel=az_vel, elvel=el_vel) while (mjd + 13.0 / 86400.0) > get_current_mjd() : log_ant_posn() tm.sleep(0.5) ant.stop() def test_slew ( az, el ) : ant.set_computer_timeout(30.0) ant.set_azel(az, el) wait_for_slew(az, el, tol_deg=0.02) ant.stop() def test_execute_track ( az, el ) : num_pts = 3 tmjd = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float64) taz = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float64) taz_vel = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float64) tel = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float64) tel_vel = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float64) delta_t = 5.0 delta_p = 0.1 mjd = get_current_mjd() + 3.0 / 86400.0 for i in range(num_pts) : tmjd[i] = mjd + i * delta_t taz[i] = az + i * delta_p taz_vel[i] = delta_p / delta_t tel[i] = el + i * delta_p tel_vel[i] = delta_p / delta_t stop_mjd = tmjd[-1] + delta_t trk = {'mjd':tmjd, 'az':taz, 'az_vel':taz_vel, 'el':tel, 'el_vel':tel_vel} execute_track(trk, stop_mjd)