data taking examples


recombination line spectra using on off position switching
mapping the sun at xband
continuum mapping of SGRA* at xband using the winking cal
pulsar data taking

recombination lines spectra using on,off position switching

    Look at recombination lines at xband (8200 to 9200)
the lines in the band are:
#      H            C
#89a  9173.320653 9177.897014  MHz
#90a  8872.568216 8876.994538
#91a  8584.820642 8589.103413
#92a  8309.382525 8313.527887

Mock setup:

RCVR/Freq setup

All of this can be put in the command file to use

The tcl command file

Put the file in your project directory:(/share/obs4/usr/"your project id"
For the example lets call it : recomblines_xb.tcl

# command file for xband spectral line on/offs for recombLine
set rcvr wb6       ;# xband filter
#      H           C   
#89a  9173.320653 9177.897014  MHz
#90a  8872.568216 8876.994538
#91a  8584.820642 8589.103413
#92a  8309.382525 8313.527887
# We've set the band center 5Mhz below the restFreq of the Line to stay away
# from the DC spike at the center of the band.
set freq "9168.32 8867.57 8579.82 8304.38"   ;# topocentric cfr each band
set clock  160     ;#   MHz clock =bandwidth since complex sampling
set bwdiv   3      ;#    bandwidth divisor. each box 160/3=53.333 MH
set nchan 2048     ;#    2048 freq chan over 53.33 Mhz
if { [recombsetup $rcvr $src $freq $clock $bwdiv $nchan] != 1 } {return 0} ;# head out
#  our source file should be in proj directory
# move to the first source then adjust the mock levels
srcget W3
pnt tr $ra $dec
# wait to be on source..
waittrk tmI 1
# check the if2 power levels
#  set the mock levels to 30 a/d counts=1sigma
mockadjpwr 30 reply
# loop 2 5min on,offs
set toloop 2
# 1st src
onoff $ra $dec $toloop
# 2nd source
srcget M42A
onoff $ra $dec $toloop
# 3rd source
srcget M42B
onoff $ra $dec $toloop
# turn off the motors

When it is time to observe

Online monitoring with idl

   You can use idl to monitor the data as it is taken (either online or offline)

mapping the sun at xband

--> warning the current filter in the dewar will probably let the sun saturate the lna.

    There is a  canned tcl procedure to map the sun at xband   (mapsun)
It will:

The tcl command file

    Put the file in your project directory:(/share/obs4/usr/"your project id"
For the example lets call it : 220519_sun.tcl

A command file to make 2 maps of the sun would have:

mapsun 2

When it is time to observe

Online Monitoring

Mapping SGRA* at xband with winking cal

    Make a map of SGRA* at xband using the winking cal (more info on why to use winking cal).  This is to generate a continuum map.
The setup :

Rcvr setup:

Mock setup:

Pointing setup:

The tcl command file:

    The commands to run the experiment can be put in a tcl command file.

Here is the command file

# Example command file for winking cal map of SGRA*
# - at xband 2degx2deg in raxdeg (great circle0
set src SGRA
#  get the source Coordinates
srcget $src
# parameters for setup routine
# - these are actually the defaults so you could just call setupwcalmap by itself
set nchan 512
set integms 2
set boxes 1234567
set clock 172.032
#  setup if/lo mocks
setupwcalmap $nchan $integms $boxes $clock
# map parameters
set bmWidthAmin   10     ;# FWHM for xband beam
set stripLenAmin 120     ;# 2deg=120 Amin
set stripTmSecs   60     ;# 60 secs for each ra strip
#   starting offsets for map
set raOffAmin [expr -$stripLenAmin/2]
set decOffAmin [expr -$stripLenAmin/2]
#   dec step
set decStepAmin [expr $bmWidthAmin/2.]
#  code is used by mapradec . see mapradec documentation.
#  it is a bitmap. Each bit means something
#  by default the ra strip is a great circle length.
set BadjPwr 0x80     ;# Bit for adjust mock power at start
set Bwcal   0x100    ;# Bit for using winking cal
set code  [expr $BadjPwr|$Bwcal] ;# or the bits together
# call the mapping routine
#  ra,dec are global variable set when calling srcget
mapradec $ra $dec $code $stripTmSec $raOffAmin $decOffAmin $decStepAmin
pntpwroff   ;# turn off motors when done

End of command file

When it is time to observe

Online Monitoring

    You can use idl to monitor the data as it is taken (either online or offline)

Processing the map offline

    see processing a 12meter winking cal map.

Pulsar data taking example. 

    There are two different ways to do a pulsar observation

    The pulsar data taking can be done at sband or xband. Some parameters are automatically set (in  psrsetup) depending on the receiver.

There are some constraints imposed by the mock spectrometers:

Pointing setup

    You need to generate a source catalog with your sources (or use one of the defaults) (more info)

The tcl command files:

    The commands to run the experiment can be put in a tcl command file.

pulsar data taking using psrsetup, psrtakedata

Here is the command file

# sband pulsar observations of B0329,J0437-4715 and B0833-45 (VELA)
#source          ra         dec      lstRise  lstSet
#              hhmmss     ddmmss     hhmmss   hhmmss
#B0329+54      033259.4   543443.3   202842   104034 
#J0437-4715    043715.9  -471509.1   004154   083351 
#B0833-45      083520.6  -451034.9   043224   123946 
# you could start around 5hrs lst
#   common params for 3 pulsars
    set rcvr     wb3
    set secsCal  90      ;# winking cal for 90 seconds
    set nchan   256      ;# 256 freqchannels over 172Mhz
#  B0950+08
    set src B0950+08
    set integms .200     ;# .2 millisec (200 usec dumps)
    set secsDat 1800     ;# 1800 secs = 30 minutes
    psrsetup $rcvr  $src $integms $nchan
    psrtakedata $secsDat $secsCal
#   J0437 (5 millisec period, sample faster)
    set src J0437-4715
    set integms .032     ;#  .032 millisec= 32usecs.= 156 phase bins across period
    set secsDat 900      ;# 900 secs = 15minutes = 28GBytes
    psrsetup $rcvr  $src $integms $nchan
    psrtakedata $secsDat $secsCal
#   B0833-45 vela
    set src B0833-45
    set integms .200     ;# .2 millisec (200 usec dumps)
    set secsDat 1800     ;# 1800 secs = 30 minutes
    psrsetup $rcvr  $src $integms $nchan
    psrtakedata $secsDat $secsCal   
# turn off the motors when done
    pntpwroff             ;#  turn off the motors when done

End of command file 

pulsar data taking example using psrdolist

psrdolist documentation 

    You generate  a list  of pulsars to observe with their observing parameters and then call psrdolist with this list.
psrdolist will wait for the lst time to be between the lstFirst and lstLast times specified in the list entry.
It will then call psrsetup and psrtakedata (so all the comments on psrsetup also apply here).
Here is the command file

# sband pulsar observations of B0329 and vela
#  skip    psrname    lstFirst lstLast  rcv integms nchan secsCal secsDat
set slist {
{          B0329+54   222800   084000   wb3  .2000   256    90     1800 }
{          J0437-4715 024000   063000   wb3  .032    256    90     900  }
{          B0950+08   060000   134000   wb3  .2000   256    90     1800 }
{          B0833-45   060000   113000   wb3  .2000   256    90     1800 }
{  skip    B1641-45   144500   184700   wb3  .2000   256    90     1800 }
    psrdolist  slist

End of command file

When it is time to observe

Online Monitoring

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