Writing usrp data across the network


    The standard usrp software (from juha) reads from the usrp into a ram filesystem. These files then get moved to disc on the usrp166 computer.
On 9-13aug18 during a 4 day 430tx run, we tried writing across the network on a 1 gigabit link rather than to a local disc. The data rate is about 100 mbytes/second.

What we tried:

Monitoring the disc i/o rate on gpuserv1

  iostat with a 30 second interval was run on the gpuserv1 disc (/dev/sda1) to monitor the i/o rates.

the plots show the gpuserv1 i/o rates during the run (.ps) (.pdf)


processing: x101/180813/rsynciorate.pro

up to aeron