sun idl routines

Last modified: Thu Mar 16 13:07:12 2023.

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aosunexamples - Using the idl sun mapping routines 
SYNTAX: none
ARGS: none
   The sun is mapped daily at xband using the 12meter telescope and the mock
 ( mapping description.
 These maps are automatically processed by a cron job (phil on megs3) at 19:15 each evening with
the save files written to /share/phildat/sunmaps.

	The idl sun routines will:
 Input the map spectra
 scale to kelvins using the cals
 compute total power at each point
 compute the ra,dec offset position (from the center of the sun)
 for each point. The info is returned in a mapI structure.

 idl .sav files are generated for each map taken and stored in
 The .sav file naming convention is:
 yymmdd_nn_sun.sav  where yymmdd is the date, and nn is  1..nmaps for the day
220420_01_sun.sav  1st map
220420_02_sun.sav  2nd map

You can recall a map for from a .sav file using:
IDL> restore,'/share/phildat/sunmaps/220420_01_sun.sav',/verb
% RESTORE: Portable (XDR) SAVE/RESTORE file.
% RESTORE: Save file written by phil@gpuserv0, Thu Apr 21 17:28:28 2022.
% RESTORE: IDL version 7.1 (linux, x86_64).
% RESTORE: Restored variable: MAPI.

 The structure contains:
IDL> help,mapI
** Structure <1055a88>, 16 tags, length=1542944, data length=1532385, refs=1:
   NSTRIPS    LONG                25    number of strips in map
   NPOL       LONG                 2    number of pols
   SMPSTRIP   LONG                60    number of samples in ra strip 
   NBMS       LONG     Array[2]         min,max filenumber used.includes cals and map
   FILENUMS   LONG                 7    number of freq bandsrr0r
   YYYYMMDD   LONG          20211224    date for start of map
   MJDSTART   DOUBLE           59572.611 mjd start time of 1st strip of map
   SECSTART   DOUBLE       1.6403568e+09 secsonds 1970 for start of 1st strip of map
   HARBM0     STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[60, 25] fits headers bm 0, 60smp/strip,25 strips;   HARBANDS   STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[7]  fits header first sample,first row, all 7 freq bands.
   RAOFFD     FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured RA offset in deg for each sample
   DECOFFD    FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured Dec offset in deg for each sample
   CFRARBM    DOUBLE    Array[7]          center freq (MHz) each band
   SCLFACTOR  FLOAT     Array[2, 7]       scale factor cntsToKelvin if units=3
                                          cntsToCalUnits if  units =2
   UNITS      LONG                        mockunits      if  units =1
   TPAR       FLOAT     Array[60, 25, 2, 7] total power data (smpStrip,Nstrips,Npol,Nbms)

The maps conver +/-1 deg in ra (great circle) and +/- 1 deg in dec.
The ra strips are spaced by 5 Amin in declination (fwhm of xband beam is 10Amin)
So there are 25 ra strips in total. The 12th strip (counting from 0) goes through the
center of the sun.
  The total power at  each point is returen in mapI.tpar[60,25,2,7]
 60= 60 samples across the strip.
 25= 25 strips .. index (12 ..cnt from 0) goes through the center of the sun,
 2 =polA, polB
 7 =7 frequency bands.

	When taking the data, the telescope drives from -RaOffset to +RaOffset and then reverses
direction and drives fro +Raoffset to -RaOffset. That means that  the 60 points in adjacent
strips start at opposite ra locations. 
	The RaOffD[60,25] array has the actual raOffsets (in deg) for each totalPwr point. 

Examples using the routines:
 to enter idl:

Example 1:	process a days worth of maps and return then in mapIAr
 IN idl..
 -->Found:  2 sun maps for date:20220428
 -->220428 map  0 fnums:    0 2800 Nnums:     29
 -->220428 map  1 fnums: 2900 5700 Nnums:     29
 -->maps done: 2  no save files generated

Example 2: process a single map using the pattern id:
 Look in the logfile in the proj directory:/share/obs4/usr/p12m/sun/ (or whatever project you used)
 Look at the logfile;
 more sun.p12mlog_20220428.log
 2022-04-28_09:16:36 mapradec: start. pattern_id:211800018
 This is the pattern id for the first map.
 In idl:
 -->Found patId:211800018 sun map for date:20220428
 -->220428 map  0 fnums:    0 2800 Nnums:     29
 -->maps done: 1  no save files generated

Example 3: process a day and save it
 in idl
 --> Found:  2 sun maps for date:20220428
 --> 220428 map  0 fnums:    0 2800 Nnums:     29
 --> 220428 map  1 fnums: 2900 5700 Nnums:     29
 --> maps done:  2  save files generated

	Normal user should not try to generate save files in the
 default location (you probably don't have write  access).
If you've done your own maps, then you can save them to one of your
directories using the savDir=  keyword.

 More info (from within idl):
 explain,sundoc get a listing of the routines
 ----- Documentation for /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/doc/ -----
sundoc - routine list (single line)

 aosunexamples    - Using the idl sun mapping routines
 sungetmap        - input mock scans of map, compute totalPwr
 sunmapsday       - process sunmaps for a given day

 ----- Documentation for ./ -----
sunmapsday - process sunmaps for a given day
SYNTAX: nmaps=sunmapsday(yymmdd,mapIar,proj=proj,dosav=dosav,savDir=savDir,patId=patId

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sun/


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sungetmap - input mock scans of map, compute totalPwr
SYNTAX: nstrips=sungetmap(yymmdd,proj,fnum0,fnum1,mapI,tcal=tcal,minstrips=minstrips)
  yymmdd: long   date for data   yyyymmdd  (ast)
   proj : string   project name for files
   fnum0: int    first filenum of day (include any cal on,offs
   fnum1: int    last filenum of day
  verb  : int    if set then plot tp as we go
  tcal  :        if set then scale mapI.tpar to units of the cal rather than degK
                 (since we may not have the correct cal values yet.
minstrips: int   minimum number of radecstrips map needs default:13
  nstrips: int   num strips. < 0 --> error
  mapI   : {}  struct holding the map info (including tpar)
 Input a map of the sun takne with the 12 meter. This assumes you've used the
tcl script mapsun.proc to input the data.
 The datatakingi does:
 1. a cal on, off at  the beginnning (2 files)
 2. a map of nstrips covering an area, driving in ra, stepping in dec.
 3. another calon ,off at the end of the map

 The routine will:
 1. input the cals, compute the scale factor from mock units to cal units
    exclude 6% of the spectra on each edge.
    it averages the scale factor computed from the 2 cal measurements.
 2. input the map 
 3. compute the total power for each sample (excluding 6% of the spectra on each edge).
 4. scale the total power to Kelvins or calunits depending on tcal=
 5. compute the raoff, dec off for each sample (this are currently little circle).
 6. return the info in mapI.
 The mapI struct contains:
IDL> help,mapI
** Structure <632c008>, 15 tags, length=1536168, data length=1525660, refs=1:
   NSTRIPS    LONG                25    number of strips in map
   NPOL       LONG                 2    number of pols
   SMPSTRIP   LONG                60    number of samples in ra strip 
   NBMS       LONG                 7    number of freq bandsrr0r
   FILENUMS   LONG     Array[2]         min,max filenumber used.includes cals and map
   YYYYMMDD   LONG          20211224    date for start of map
   MJDSTART   DOUBLE           59572.611 mjd start time of 1st strip of map
   SECSTART   DOUBLE       1.6403568e+09 secsonds 1970 for start of 1st strip of map
   HARBM0     STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[60, 25] fits headers bm 0, 60smp/strip,25 strips
   HARBANDS   STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[7]  fits header first sample,first row, all 7 freq bands.
   RAOFFD     FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured RA offset in deg for each sample
   DECOFFD    FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured Dec offset in deg for each sample
   CFRARBM    DOUBLE    Array[7]          center freq (MHz) each band
   SCLFACTOR  FLOAT     Array[2, 7]       scale factor cntsToKelvin if units=3
                                          cntsToCalUnits if  units =2
   UNITS      LONG                        mockunits      if  units =1
   TPAR       FLOAT     Array[60, 25, 2, 7] total power data (smpStrip,Nstrips,Npol,Nbms)

 When making the map:
 - drives from negative ra offset to positive The ra,dec offsets are the measuredPos - SunCenterPos
 So a negative ra is at a lower ra than the center of the sun.
 The sun center is interpolated from the jpl ephemeris used to track the sun.
 The strips

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sun/


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sunmapsday - process sunmaps for a given day
SYNTAX: nmaps=sunmapsday(yymmdd,mapIar,proj=proj,dosav=dosav,savDir=savDir,patId=patId
  yymmdd: long   date for data   yyyymmdd  (ast)
   proj : string project name for files to search
   dosav: int    if set then generate idl .sav files
                 If no savdir= is specified then it will default to /share/phildat/sunmaps/
                 You need to have permissions to write into the savdir.
                 If patId= is used then a single map is done, and no save files are allowed.
 savDir : string if dosav= is set, then write the save files to this directory.
                 If not supplied, the default is /share/phildat/sunmaps. 
                 You must have write permissions to this directory
 patId  : long   if supplied then just return 1 map
                 - that has patid=patid, (see logfiles)
                 - it must also be in proj=proj, and have object='sun'
minstrips: int   minimum number of radecstrips map needs default:13
  nmaps: int   < 0 --> error
               >=0 number of maps processed

  mapIAr[nmaps]: {}  array of structs holding info from each map (see below)
 	This routine will input and compute totalpower for all sun maps taken on the specified day.
The results are returned in the mapIAr array of structures. You can optionally have each map written
to an idl .sav  file. 
 	If the patId= keyword is supplied then only one map will be returned (that has the patId specified)
and no sav files will be written (see reasons below).

	For a map to be included in the data set (assuming patid= is not used) the following must occur:
  -The map was taken on yymmdd
  -the project matches the requested project (def='sun')
  -The source for the map is 'sun'
  -The map was taken with the mapradec tcl routine.

	Each structure in mapIar will contain:
IDL> help,mapIAr,/st
Structure <214e168>, 16 tags, length=1542944, data length=1532385, refs=1:
   NSTRIPS    LONG                25    number of strips in map
   NPOL       LONG                 2    number of pols
   SMPSTRIP   LONG                60    number of samples in ra strip
   NBMS       LONG     Array[2]         min,max filenumber used.includes cals and map
   FILENUMS   LONG                 7    number of freq bandsrr0r
   YYYYMMDD   LONG          20211224    date for start of map
   MJDSTART   DOUBLE           59572.611 mjd start time of 1st strip of map
   SECSTART   DOUBLE       1.6403568e+09 secsonds 1970 for start of 1st strip of map
   HARBM0     STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[60, 25] fits headers bm 0, 60smp/strip,25 strips
   HARBANDS   STRUCT  MASFHDR Array[7]  fits header first sample,first row, all 7 freq bands.
   RAOFFD     FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured RA offset in deg for each sample
   DECOFFD    FLOAT     Array[60, 25]     measured Dec offset in deg for each sample
   CFRARBM    DOUBLE    Array[7]          center freq (MHz) each band
   SCLFACTOR  FLOAT     Array[2, 7]       scale factor cntsToKelvin if units=3
                                          cntsToCalUnits if  units =2
   UNITS      LONG                        mockunits      if  units =1
   TPAR       FLOAT     Array[60, 25, 2, 7] total power data (smpStrip,Nstrips,Npol,Nbms)
 See sumgetmap() for more info on how each map is taken.

Notes on the .sav files:
  If there are N maps made in a given day, then the .sav file names will be
 savDir/yymmdd_nn_sun.sav   where yymmdd is the date and nn is 1 thru Nmaps
 eg: on 220420 11maps were made. the names are:

	You are not allowed to generate a save file if you ask for a single map with patid=  keyword
This could disrupt the file naming of the .sav files for a day
 suppose you used the patid= for the 4th map of 220420.
If you were allowed to generate a save file with the specified format, it would end up
being call 220420_01.sav .. This would overwrite the true 1st map. For this reason
save files can only be written when the entire day is processed.
	You can always call the routine with patid=   and then do your own save using whatever name you choose,

(See /pkg/rsi/local/libao/phil/sun/